Student Friendly Teaching and Learning Environment: Experiences from Technical Vocational Educational Training Schools in Nepal
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student-friendly teaching learning
collaborative learning
social learning
technical vocational educational training

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Subedi , R., & Shrestha, M. (2020). Student Friendly Teaching and Learning Environment: Experiences from Technical Vocational Educational Training Schools in Nepal. Current Perspectives in Educational Research, 3(1), 1–13. Retrieved from


The learner friendly atmosphere in the school has been fore grounded by the state while it is equally emphasized by the Technical Vocational Educational Training (TVET) schools in Nepalese context. Thus, this paper aims to exploring the opportunities and challenges the school leaders, teachers, students and parents have been experiencing while creating student- friendly teaching learning atmosphere in TVET schools. In this study, we employed the narrative inquiry and the data were collected by in-depth interview from the participants. Through the collected narratives, it was discovered that, although student- friendly environment in teaching learning has been gaining significant popularity, creating such environment comes up with many challenges like: ambiguous role of facilitators, infrastructural constraints and attitudinal rigidity of individuals towards student- centered teaching learning. However, student-friendly teaching learning environment was recounted to have been constructive in stimulating confidence, creativity, criticality, social spirit and self-reliance among students.

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