Author Guidelines

Journal Information
Online Submission System
Publication Fees
Prepare Your Manuscript
Peer Review Process
Open Access and Copyright
Ethical Oversight
Plagiarism and Data Fabrication
Data Availability
Article Retraction
Appeals and Complaints
Contact us


The Current Perspectives in Educational Research (formerly known as the European Journal of Educational Technology) is peer-reviewed online journal. CUPER publishes two issues per year. The journal welcomes research papers, original theoretical works, literature reviews and book reviews in all areas of educational research.

All manuscripts submitted to CUPER are rigorously evaluated via a double-blind peer review process. The manuscripts should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission.

Please pay special attention to the subject matter of your manuscript to be within the scope of the Journal.  Manuscripts that are not suitable for the scope of the journal are rejected even if they have high scientific quality. For detailed information on aims and scope of CUPER, please refer to Aims & Scope.


Authors are requested to submit their manuscript by using the Journal’s online submission system. They need to register with the journal prior to submission. The online submission system will guide authors stepwise through the submission process. Submission by email is not accepted.  


Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Significant contributions mean;

– significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, data acquisition, or interpretation of the reported study,

– drafting manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content.

The corresponding author should verify that all co-authors have approved the final version of the manuscript and agreed to its submission for publication. Those who contributed to the work but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the “Acknowledgements” section.


There is no submission fee or Article Processing Cost (APC) for this journal. Publishing in CUPER is totally free of charges for authors.


Title Page

The title page should be a separate Microsoft Word document from the main manuscript. What should be included in the Title Page is specified in the Title Page Template. You can download the template file here. Please provide all the required information in the Title Page. Submissions containing incomplete information will be returned without being peer-reviewed.

Manuscript Format and Style

All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the form and style as outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 7th edition). For an open access guide on the APA citation rules (7th edition), please refer to:

Since CUPER applies a double blind peer review, the manuscript file must not contain any information that could reveal the identities of the authors or their institutions.

Length of manuscript

Recommended manuscript length is 2500 to 8000 words, including references.


Include an abstract of 200 words or less.


Include 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.

Text Formatting

Manuscripts must be submitted as Microsoft Word (.doc), OpenOffice or Rich Text Format (.rtf) and must be single-spaced using a 12-point font in Times New Roman; employ italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.


Manuscript should be an original work, and authors should cite the others’ works, words, ideas or figures used in the manuscript. All sources used must be appropriately cited. Reuse of text that is copied from another source must be appropriately quoted. Citations and quotations should be made according to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).

Reference list

The list of references should be prepared according to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). Each reference cited in text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in the reference list must be cited in text.


Footnotes can be used only to give additional information. Don’t use them for citation purpose. It is recommended to limit the amount of footnotes per page.

Tables and figures

All tables and figures must have a caption (title) explaining their contents and they must be numbered using Arabic numerals. They must be placed within the text at the appropriate points.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

Authors should include a statement disclosing any financial or other substantive conflicting, or competing, interest that may be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support should be disclosed.


It is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission for a figure, illustration, table, or text passage that has already been published elsewhere.


Acknowledgments (people, grants, funds, etc.)  should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. Authors must obtain permission to include the names of all individuals included in the Acknowledgements section.

The papers published by CUPER are selected via a rigorous and double-blind peer-review process. Submitted manuscripts are first reviewed by the editorial staff, who may decide to reject or send it to two external peer reviewers. The process is double-blind. Based on the reviewers’ decision and remarks, The Editor-in-Chief or the Guest Editor of a Special Issue make the final decision.

If the revisions are required, authors will be asked to resubmit the revised manuscript within a certain period of time. In major revisions, the revised version of the manuscript will be returned to the reviewers and it will be re-evaluated.

After acceptance for publication, proofs of the paper will be prepared and sent to the corresponding author via Journal’s online system. The corresponding author must revise the proofs and returned the corrected proofs to the Editor within a week.

For more information on review process, please refer to our Peer Review Policy.


CUPER is an open journal and provides immediate open access to its all published content. The content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, reuse or link to full text articles without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. 

The authors are allowed to self-archive their articles on institutional or other specialized repositories, their personal websites and social-networking sites such as ResearchGate and

For detailed information, please refer to our Open Access and Archiving Policy.   


In educational sciences, as well as in others fields such as medicine, researchers must comply with some ethical rules while using human subjects, working on vulnerable populations or handling confidential data. 

For more information about ethical issues, please refer to Publication Ethics Policy.


Manuscript should be an original work, and authors should cite the others’ works, words, ideas or figures used in the manuscript. All sources used must be appropriately cited. Reuse of text that is copied from another source must be appropriately quoted.

Plagiarism is one of the most important threats to scholarly publication quality and academic integrity, and is not acceptable in any way in CUPER. Plagiarism may take different forms, from showing someone else’s work as their own, to copying or paraphrasing parts of other studies without proper attribution, or to use research data collected or produced by others without permission and proper attribution.

All manuscripts submitted to CUPER are routinely screened for plagiarism. CUPER's editors use Turnitin to check the manuscripts for plagiarism and text duplication. When editors suspect a plagiarism case during the peer review process, they follow the paths set in the COPE’s guidelines. If the plagiarism is confirmed, the manuscript will be rejected. 

Practices such as fabricating or manipulating data, manipulating images and other visual objects, deliberately selecting analysis tools or methods to support a particular conclusion constitute unethical behavior and are strictly forbidden in CUPER. Authors should present an accurate account of the work performed, especially regarding data collection and their analysis and interpretation. Underlying data should be represented accurately in the manuscript. The study should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.


We encourage authors to make the research data on which their paper is based available either by depositing into a public repository or by uploading the data and files as supplementary materials with the submission. You can find a research data repository to deposit your data at If you have deposited your datasets into a public repository, please state it in the Cover Letter. As a data availability statement could reveal your identity, we recommend that you remove this from the anonymized version of the manuscript.


Published articles in CUPER should remain extant and intact. However, under exceptional circumstances involving plagiarism, data fabrication and redundant publication or involuntary data errors, articles may need to be retracted, removed or replaced in order to protect the integrity of the literature. The need for a retraction will be determined by the Editor-in-Chief, but may be initiated, in cases of flawed data or conclusions, at the request of the author(s).

To retract an article, a notice of retraction will be published. This notice of retraction will:
-    include the title and authors of the article, the reason for the retraction and who is retracting the article;
-    be published online and be linked to the online version of the article.



Authors have the right to appeal a decision on their submissions to the journals published by CUPER if they believe the decision was unfair. To appeal a decision, please submit a letter detailing the nature of the appeal and indicating why the decision is viewed as unfair.

The Editor-in-Chief will review all relevant documentation relating to the submission, may consult the relevant Associate Editor or Reviewers and may appoint a new Reviewer to evaluate the submission before making a decision. The decision of the Editor-in-Chief will be final.


For complaints relating to the policies and procedures of CUPER or the conduct of editorial staff, please email the details of the complaint to the Editor-in-Chief. All complaints directed through the correct channels will be acknowledged and the resolution will be conveyed to the complainant. Complaints will be resolved as quickly as possible.


Please feel free to contact us for further information.