Technical and vocational education (TVET) plays a crucial role in societal and national development. In Nigeria, it spans across various educational levels, from secondary schools to higher institutions. However, over time, TVET in Nigeria has faced significant challenges, particularly related to the shortage of qualified teachers and skilled personnel. This paper focuses on the issues affecting TVET, specifically those tied to human resource provision within educational institutions. The paper commences with a comprehensive literature review to enhance our understanding of TVET. It delves into the benefits of having competent TVET instructors and their responsibilities in fostering the growth of TVET. Furthermore, it explores the factors essential for ensuring the presence of qualified TVET teachers in our schools and examines the declining quality of TVET within educational institutions. Ultimately, the paper investigates the underlying causes of the gap that restricts teachers' ability and competence in effectively imparting the necessary skills to their students. It identifies teacher shortcomings as the primary reason for students' failure to acquire the requisite knowledge and skills both before and after graduation.
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